Best Way To Use Image In Your React Projects
Traditional ways of using images in react.js
Importing Images:
import myImage from './images/myImage.jpg';
Using the required keyword:
<img src={require('./images/myImage.jpg')} alt="img">
All the Traditional methods for using images in your react project have a drawback in that they load up your git repository.
But there is another way we can do that
Using URL as the source:
<img src="" alt="Img" />
So, how can you convert an image on your computer into a URL?
Step 1: Upload the image to your Google Drive
Step 2: Copy the image URL
Make sure that Access for that image is set to 'Anyone With the Link'
Step 3: Get the image ID
To get the ID select the code after /d/ till the next forward slash(/)
ID = 1CQprfvDdihKoFw21dYznnS4fSoo-odbM
Step 4: Concat the Id with the given URL
First string:
id: 1CQprfvDdihKoFw21dYznnS4fSoo-odbM
Second String: &export=download
alt="My Image"